It’s definitely true that the blue color is not actually inherent for the sky but rayleigh scattering. However, the same is true for when it appears orange during sunset.
Our eye can see in four “colors” actually (there are four different sensory cells, each with different wavelength of it’s preferred input), and in case of some women five. Granted, one of those “colors” is basically overloaded in day and can’t be counted, while in night the other colors don’t see anything.
However, our brain does extremely heavy processing of that visual input, and most of it is directed so we see differences instead of absolute values. If everything we see is red, the brain assumes it’s caused by the light being red and compensates, trying to guess how would the scene look in white light.
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Pages like this are not bad, but they don’t exactly encourage discussion … (hard to write with one hand etc)
Well then how about we discuss some Random Facts!
Did you know that the sky isn’t Actually Blue? It’s actually Orange, and our eye’s can only see in 2 color’s so we can’t tell.
(preparing for nerd outrage in 3, 2…)
It’s definitely true that the blue color is not actually inherent for the sky but rayleigh scattering. However, the same is true for when it appears orange during sunset.
Our eye can see in four “colors” actually (there are four different sensory cells, each with different wavelength of it’s preferred input), and in case of some women five. Granted, one of those “colors” is basically overloaded in day and can’t be counted, while in night the other colors don’t see anything.
However, our brain does extremely heavy processing of that visual input, and most of it is directed so we see differences instead of absolute values. If everything we see is red, the brain assumes it’s caused by the light being red and compensates, trying to guess how would the scene look in white light.
So, what do you want to discuss exactly?
Ehh, this was more of an internal joke I guess. Some comment’s section’s are so wild that the simplest discussion will vear off into wild direction’s.
I think my favorite is
I swear every comment section on every page could be it’s own book series.