-FvT 2024 half year round up
on July 22, 2024
Hello everyone, Sokaras here again! Hope 2024 is going well for everyone here. As usual, six months have passed, so I wanted to show you which pages have been voted best each month so far on the FvT discord. Reminder – Eldrik took a well deserved break on January so we will have one less “Best off 2024” page

I hope you have been enjoying these pages as much as I have. Wishing you all the best and thank you for reading Fairies vs Tentacles.
Sorry for putting this here, but I don’t really have any way of privately messaging anyone. I got kicked from the Discord server, and my best guess is that I recently added my phone number which was associated with my previous account that got hacked that I had asked to be banned, as it seems I’m also now unable to join the HF discord and Sonokeeper discords as well. Just wondering if there’s anything I can do, or if there’s some other reason for it.
Oof that’s rough Sera. I checked my records and you are not anywhere in my ban list, so yeah it’s a discord decision, you have to try and fix it with them. If you can’t, all I can think of is creating a new account from scratch and linking it to a different phone number.