Hu. not sure why, but that group portrait looks weird. maybe its because you have what I assume is Nova with the blond haired and yellow antenna, standing next to Ominae (black hair and antenna), both of which are standing behind who I assume to be Ominae’s other parent who has blond hair and black antenna and looks like mix of Nova and Ominae despite actually being Ominae’s mother.
Also you would usually expect the child to be in the front with the parents standing next to each other behind them. The obvious exception being for elderly or frail relatives who would then get to be seated and children would then either kneel in front to stand to the side.
Not sure how regular faries age so I suppose that might be what has happened here as according to the character index Nova is over 5000 years old and Ominae is nearly 3000, so depending on when the portrait was made Ominae’s mother might have been getting old and needed to be seated.
Oh, I had assumed her hair changed color because she hadn’t been using her star magic half as much. Thought I read somewhere that if a dual fairy doesn’t use one of magic types and prefers the other, you’ll see the change over time in their hair and stuff.
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Hu. not sure why, but that group portrait looks weird. maybe its because you have what I assume is Nova with the blond haired and yellow antenna, standing next to Ominae (black hair and antenna), both of which are standing behind who I assume to be Ominae’s other parent who has blond hair and black antenna and looks like mix of Nova and Ominae despite actually being Ominae’s mother.
Also you would usually expect the child to be in the front with the parents standing next to each other behind them. The obvious exception being for elderly or frail relatives who would then get to be seated and children would then either kneel in front to stand to the side.
Not sure how regular faries age so I suppose that might be what has happened here as according to the character index Nova is over 5000 years old and Ominae is nearly 3000, so depending on when the portrait was made Ominae’s mother might have been getting old and needed to be seated.
The one seated is Ominae, without her space hair magic in effect.
Ominae is secretly half blonde – just keeps it hiddem with small magic effect
Oh, I had assumed her hair changed color because she hadn’t been using her star magic half as much. Thought I read somewhere that if a dual fairy doesn’t use one of magic types and prefers the other, you’ll see the change over time in their hair and stuff.
I was under similar impression
Alas, Lord Verminus, I used to be much like you. I immediately wondered the same thing on the portrait.
However, I have learned to be patient when the situation isn’t urgent; I may have missed something, yet even if not, the answer will usually come.
I also thought a natural hair change happened. Kinda feels fraudulent if Ominae is doing it consciously…. –JR