Hi everybody, I’m just writing this to let you all know I’m taking the rest of the week off and there won’t be a new page Friday, the reason being that I got kidney stones! It happened to me in the past, so I know what to do and what to expect, and the few days it will take me to recuperate from this won’t allow me to update on time, so, hoping there is no complications, see you all next Monday!
I didn’t thought it would take me 4 months to get to it, but it did. Nonetheless, it has arrived, right up there in the menu, a list of all the character who showed up in the comic!
It will be updated periodically as the comic progress, if you notice any mistakes or broken link, don’t hesitate to let me know.
Hi! I hope 2020 has been kind to you so far! I haven’t forgot about this place, I’ve just been busy with stuff. As a reminder to all and more particularly myself, here’s a todo list of what I plan to do for this website this year, in no particular order: -Make a character list page -Make an artwork gallery -Make a fanart gallery -Color the fairy island Map -Update website design (fix bugs, add icons, etc)
Now this doesn’t seem like a big deal, like a single weekend job mostly, but I’m also working on a new project that will be launched on another branch of this domain, and that’s taking a chunk of my free time right now. Everything will get done eventually~
I deleted about 40 fake users and installed new spam filters to start the next year clean, if any of you, actual users, got deleted, I am sorry! Feel free to register again, and let me know on discord or elsewhere if you have any issues with the new filters and can’t register or log in.
I finished uploading all the older questions that were publicly available in download packs, and Sokaras tagged them all (Thanks Sokaras!)
We’ve also been working on character sheet content, and a new section for that will be created soon-ish, along with a bonus art section and a fanart section, there’s still much work to be done.
Since the website has been climbing up on google ranks, spam bots started showing up in the comment, so I had to force user registration for comments, sorry legit anons!
I just uploaded the first 50 character questions, and plan to add more during the month until the entire content of the public pack is there. Character tags will be added later~
Hi everyone, I’m sorry to say, but there won’t be an update today. Yesterday a massive storm knocked down the power for most of the city, and I just got it back 20hrs later. I gotta go through my food and see what can be salvaged, then do a grocery, take a shower, take care of my pets, etc…so today’s update just won’t be ready in a reasonable time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Also, I’ve read what you had to say regarding email notification, and that’s good, I’ll leave things as is then 🙂
So, I plan to update more of the past content this weekend and I was wondering something regarding notifications. So far subscribers to the site only get notifications through the wordpress dashboard, in the activity tab. They can always subscribes to RSS notifications, but would you all be interested in an email/newsletter/push notification based system? Granted for now it would be hell as I publish 20-30 new pages/images at a time, but would that be an interesting feature for the future when the updates are more sparse and regular? I’d be happy to hear your opinion and suggestions on the matter.
I want to keep people updated, but not spam them. Personally for my favorite webcomics I just check the website whenever they usually update, and if I’m subscribed it’s for commenting or accessing forums and such. I don’t think we’ll have a forum, since there is the massive and lively discord community already, but who knows. There are other features the subscriber system could be useful for, like community contributions, building a wiki, exclusive sections on the website, etc.
Hello everybody and welcome to the official fairies vs tentacles website!
I bought the host and domain on the 4th in hope I would manage to get it all done in time for FvT’s 5th anniversary, and here we are!
You can consider the website to be in a kind of Beta right now. The entire comic archive has been uploaded, the comment system work, the user subscription work, the RSS sub works, and we have some bells and whistles such as the page dropdown menu, and the ability to navigate the comic with your keyboard, by clicking on the image or by swiping left and right on mobile, but there is MUCH MORE to do.
Here’s a list of some upcoming features and content: -Character listing for every comic pages -Links to download packs -More sections such as the dark forest entries, bonus art and character sheet,etc. The character questions also need to be fully uploaded -Link/embeds to other important places such as the discord server, the patreon, picarto, etc -Visual upgrades, such as adding personalized fonts, icons and buttons. -Mobile-friendly optimization. The website work fine on mobile, and the comic is readable but the interface is hard to use without zooming in.
I don’t have a particular order planned for doing these things, I’m just glad I got it all up and running in a few days if anything, and I’m still very busy doing the comic itself, so don’t expect any of this to be done by next week, or even next year~
What matters is that this comic FINALLY has a place to call home. A place with a comic-friendly interface that anybody can access and read at any time.
Donating through the discord server gives you a special role and access to exclusive content and sketch pages weeks ahead of the public updates. You can donate once, or monthly, at your convenience!