Greetings Everyone! Fall is upon us, the Spooky Month is upon us. Lots of news today, let’s begin:

-This October 8th will mark 10 years of Fairies vs Tentacles! I have some artwork planned to mark the occasion~ I hope it’ll be ready in time for the 8th, but it will be done this month either way.

-In the meantime, Sokaras completed the rework of the art and fanart gallery, be sure to give it a look!

-Regarding donations: While we had new subscribers every month, in varying numbers, we also had cancellation and pauses. Overall, the fvt funding has been going down slightly over the years, so while I don’t usually do this, I want to use this space to make an announcement in regard to donations:

If you are already donating to this project, take a minute and check your account to see if your donations have been cancelled or paused due to a missing payment. This happen more often than you think, and sometime the reason is purely digital and not even due to a lack of funds. A system or connection bug out, and your payment doesn’t proceed. I got over 100 missing payment from various people. Some are quite old and simply people who stopped donating, others are people who skipped a month and then started donating again, others are simply on pause and have been for several months. But I do not want to individually go and bother 100 people over what could be 2 dollars. That’s what spambots do and I’m not into it. So, just take a minute to see if your payment has gone through in September, or if you think there’s an issue, just contact me on discord and we can look at it together whenever we have time.

If you are not currently donating to this project, but enjoy following it and participating in the discord community, I would love if you considered doing so. The lowest tier is 2$ USD, which I like to believe is really not that much these days, and goes a long way for this project. if only a thousand people gave 2$ a month, for a grand total 24$ a year, this project would be currently overfunded and I could pay artists to speed things up and push more pages. Donating 2$ a month on the discord server gives you access to an entire sketched chapter ahead of time, updated monthly, and I plan to keep adding to it to be eventually 2 or 3 chapters ahead. I want to stress out that I’m not in dire financial trouble myself or anything that worrisome, this is simply about the health of this project. If fvt gets less funding, I’ll do more commissions, which is fine by me, but that mean I’ll spend less time working on it. I like to believe I will always work on the comic in some capacity in the future, but funding determine what is my priority. Fvt, or commissions.

Regarding other means to support the comic: While I am currently busy with other tasks, I do plan to add a commission form and other non-Discord related function to this website, in the future. I am well aware not everybody can or want to use Discord, and even considered adding a forum to this place at some point. Just know that these options are being explored, while still taking into account that this is a nsfw project and therefore the usual funding ventures are not easily accessible, so far the Discord server has been the most safe and reliable way to go about it since 2019.

Thank you for your time, thank you for reading this blurb and the comic, and thank you for supporting my silly work. Stay awesome~