-Best of 2023 and yearly compilation
Hello everyone, Sokaras here. Now that Eldrik has had their well deserved rest and all last year pages have been posted publicly, time to show of which pages have been voted best each month in 2023 (polls held on FvT discord).

Which one is your favorite? I personally enjoyed 653 and found 668 very cute
Also adding visual compilation of everything Eldrik has drawn for FvT this year. Some stuff is already on website while others will take a bit to get uploaded

While we didn’t get any new monster entries this year, we did get new thing – Bonus art suggestions!
Supporters on Discord can leave up to two Bonus art suggestions for people to vote on. Each month the one with most votes is made. The suggestion is made up of prompts – the idea is to take your submission toward a certain direction, but still have the potential to be surprised with the outcome.
First one has already been uploaded on website in bonus art section. Or you can view it here:
Once again thank you everyone for enjoying the comic.
Sincerely, Sokaras
I see I have again lot to look forward to when it finally appears on pages …
Ah you mean the questions?
Yes. Didn’t you noticed yet I’m almost as interested in them and the lore details they are bringing as in the main comics?
Yep i noticed. I mainly was confused for a sec as i thought you meant main comic pages 😄
All good and hopefully you wont have to wait long for the stuff to be posted. Some stuff like arch fairy sheets are posted earlier because supporter commissioned them to be made