Q: When are new comic pages released?
A: New pages are posted every Monday and sometime Friday, depending on the funding.
Q: Do you do commissions?
A: Public commissions are currently closed but there is a commission queue for the supporters.
Q: How can I support the comic?
A: Fairies vs tentacles is supported through donations on the official discord server. There was a Patreon but it was closed recently and discord is now the only way. You can find the server through here.
Q: What do I get by supporting the comic?
A: Depending on your donation, you can get access to sketch pages, exclusive channels, early access to bonus content and QnA comics, and 3 QnA comic submissions for people to vote on.
Q: Can I make an OC fairy?
A: Original fairy characters (OC) exist within the comic and bonus content. For the fairy’s canonicity to be recognized there are some criteria and rules to follow:
- The fairy should not be older than a 1000 years, the average fairy lifespan is 500 years old, and the fairy war killed a LOT of fairies. Only the star fairies have lived the entire span of fairykind, 5000 years.
- The fairy should be an existing element or dual element, as referred to this chart, and respect the color patterns that go with it. If you make an earth fairy, she can’t have blue hair unless she also have water abilities/ancestry.
- The fairy cannot be a star fairy or star fairy dual.
- The fairy shouldn’t possess magic or technology that is significantly alien to what’s been explored. Such as classic D&D necromancy or being able to build androids etc.
- The fairy should not have interfered in current comic events. It’s just asking to create plot holes. The fairykind has existed for 5000 years though, so she could have participated to past events, as we have not explored those much.
- The fairy should live somewhere on the island. There are no secret island hidden nearby, or underwater cities or sky cities or secret fairy society on the landmasses out there.
Those requirements are simply for canonicity, otherwise people are free to do as they please with fanart and fanfictions.
Q: Where can I download the comic and/or bonus content?
A: The comic and bonus content can be downloaded in the Mega folder links provided on the right on this page. The packs are updated once per year.
Q: I’m really interested in learning more about the lore. Where can I find more?
A: We have the Lore Index section on the site with various info about the setting. We also have a compilation of various questions answered by me here. However the doc file has not been updated in a while, hasn’t been spellchecked and can have outdated info. It is mostly used as an baseline to build the content of the website and comic.
Q: Why is Chapter 3 so long?
A: Due to sudden changes in the script at the time, it was hard to find points where to cut end the chapter. There are plans to rectify this with the Definitive Edition of the comic, but it is currently on hiatus.
Q: Is fan art permitted?
A: Yes. We have a Fan Art section on the site where fan art is uploaded crediting the artist.
Hmmm … Earth/Water dual fairy who doesn’t care about water abilities but really likes having blue hair … might be interesting start for OC character …
Ironically if she would ignore her water abilities she will bevome normal fairy. A dual must use both her abilities – if she ignores one for very very long time she will lose it
I said doesn’t care, not ignore. Like, she only uses the water abilities BECAUSE she’s aware she could lose the hair if she doesn’t.
And I suppose close to some minimal limit.
makes senses
I have a question that has always been shot by my head.
Is it possible that a fairy and a human woman can have hybrid offspring?
Humans are not canon to the fvt universe. Introducing them would be fanfiction, so at this point anything can happen including crossbreeding.
Thank you very much for responding to my answer, and confirming that fairies and humans can have hybrid offspring.
The thing is, I’m making a fanfic where a human couple accidentally crashes their ship on the fairy planet; Their names are Darragh Horner and Daphne Horner, it turns out that they are first cousins, it turns out that they want to have children, but are afraid that their offspring will come out with problems due to consanguinity.
So a pink fairy named Jennifer aka fairy godmother, offers to be the seed donor mother so Daphne can have a baby, so she has sex with Daphne and impregnates her.
Jennifer takes Daphne and Darragh to the magic cave, for Daphne to lay the egg and turn into a cocoon.
So Daphne and Darragh stay in the magical cave for 6 months taking care of and guarding the egg/cocoon; After six months, a hybrid baby boy between human and fairy emerges from the cocoon.
They name the baby Jacob Aaron Horner, the first human-fairy hybrid in the history of the Fairy Planet.
Why did the draigjibies decide to make the fairies hermaphrodites, why couldn’t they create a male fairy and a female fairy?
Fairies were engineered from F-jibies, who were basically female clones made by the nihallaks to use. These clones were unable to have offpsrings, so the draigjiby thinkered that so that instead any fairy could have offspring regardless of gender. This also helped ensure they would prosper and multiply despite their initial low headcount.
Considering fairies can’t have offspring without the cave, I would say that they didn’t make that good work. I mean, the cave is single point of failure.
But it’s not only oversight of the project, making me think that either draigjiby were time-pressed or understaffed – wait. It happened after the war which basically terminated their species and made the planet uninhabitable by them. OF COURSE they were time-pressed AND understaffed.
Have you ever thought that the fairies and the nihallaks will make peace if the Queen dies?
Well, I imagine that if they make peace and live with each other, they would have hybrid offspring, those hybrids would have the appearance between a f-jiby and a fairy, and they could have offspring in their homes, using a type of incubators with a similar operation to the magic cave.
So that could be a possible ending to the story, right?
Why the Queen has to die? It’s the emperor who want to enslave fairies.
Does that mean the Queen isn’t the real main villain?
Well, let her kill the Emperor and make a peace treaty with the fairies and they live in harmony.
Well while she might be more eager to talk than emperor, Queen dies have her own hang ups and probkems
Putting aside who needs to die and the fact that Star is the real main villain, Nihallaks’s nihillium is dangerous to any biological life. Although … Nihallaks are constructed beings, just like Fairies. I wouldn’t want to rely on natural hybridization producing such results, but maybe it would be possible to modify Nihallaks to make them safe. Safe-ish.
And then put a SAFE ✔ sign on them. 😆
Why must Star be the villain? …Okay, but maybe she turns to what’s right in the end, maybe even the middle. Who knows? (other than author and select editors) –JR
In some chapter, will there be any possibility that the Monolith will be restored, becoming a War Jiby, killing Star and the Emperor, or that in the end it will be that Lucky travels back in time, and convinces the Draigjibies to kill the Kulthma,to prevent the events of history from happening?
That’s not what’s planned, but I can’t reveal more.
Goodness, SGrill0511, your questions are oddly specific, so… Welcome to the oddball club!
I am wondering what you’d do if your specific story-end guess was correct… 🤔 –JR
I would give ideas to the author of the comic, to create new ideas.
I have two questions that fly over my head.
The first question.
The Queen’s exosuit, as it turns out, is a part of the comic that can modify her reproductive system and produce plasma (you know the semen and sperm of the fairies) can impregnate the fairies and create hybrid offspring?
The second question.
Were the draigjibies oviparous or viviparous, and if they were technologically advanced, why didn’t they abandon the planet Dreven-A and try to colonize other planets?
There no genetic material in queen’s cum
Draigjibies bore live young (no eggs). They had started coloniding their solarsystem but it was at the baby steps
When I started reading the Fairies VS Tentacles comic, I thought it was going to be a run-of-the-mill hentai webcomic, but it turns out to be a good isekai with a good plot, even the technology that the nihallaks have to obtain energy reminded me of Randall and Waternoose’s sinister plan, you know the villains from the movie Monsters Inc.
I also have one last question.
Why is a fairy’s male reproductive organ connected to its tail, instead of having both reproductive organs like the futanari in hentais?
Isekai? Everyone in comic was born in this universe.
Can’t speak for authors but I think it’s better. Not so cramped together.
Well technically the nihallaks were isekaid from their dying universe 😄
But i think they meant “fantasy style setting”
Did they? Sure, Kulthma were from different universe, but I though Nihallaks were created later, when already in this universe. That’s what https://eldrikdgt.com/fvt/long-distant-past/ says.
Besides, “isekaid” means outside force caused that. Kulthma, as I understand, left on their own.
Ups yeah nihallaks were made here 😄
I would argue that the isekai is centered around Zak. His world was the ship, then he disappeared from the other Nihallaks (who believe he is dead) and is now living in the world of the fairies. An isekai is defined as a story revolving around a displaced person or people who are transported to and have to survive in another world such as a fantasy world, game world, or parallel universe. Zak would definitely qualify. Maybe Tanae as well.
Hmmm … true, if you don’t interpret it literally, you can claim it’s isekai. However … by same logic, you can claim The Last Samurai (2003) is isekai.
I have some questions that have always been on my mind.
What synonyms do fairies use to call their parents?
Why is the male reproductive organ of fairies located in their tail?
Can dud fairies reproduce or are they sterile?
For the duds i can comfirm they still make tail plasma, but are unable tp make eggs
Thank you very much for the answer, that means that Dud fairies are only fertile using their male reproductive organs and semen.
Similar is with wildcard fairies
Does that mean if Amy and Syl can have a daughter in the future?
If Syl is the bearrer then they should be able to have kids
I should be able upload a lore file that goes into dud fairies bit more once it rolls over to next month
I think Ominae will run away and go to the Nihallaks to build a machine so she can lay her egg without having to go to the magic cave.