-Plans for 2021
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a nice holiday season despite the existing challenges. I’ve been quite busy myself, rearranging and planning a few new things for 2021, but had a good time regardless. I got some news for you, both good and bad, so let’s get to it!
The bad news:
Fairies vs Tentacles funding suffered greatly in 2020. This shouldn’t be surprising, given most businesses suffered and some billion dollars industries were brought to their knees. I tried to keep the comic going at full speed anyway but it took a toll on me, as you recall I had to take a few breaks due to health issues. This lead me to have a long, serious conversation with my significant other, and then my supporters about what should be done, and here’s how it is: I need to get other artists on board if I want to keep the comic going twice a week. As some of you know, I also work on someone’s else comic called Grim Fate, and I also had to reduce my workload there, and the author hired an other artist for bonus content.
Now this in itself isn’t an issue, as I already have a few artists I know I could count on, but I’m not an exploiter, I want to pay them, which is where the funding issue come into play. Until the comic reach 2000$ a month of funding, the amount of updates will be reduced. For January there are 7 pages planned + bonus content to the supporters. If you want more details on the situation or check funding for February in real time, you can simply join the discord!
Which, conveniently, is also where you can donate to directly support this endeavor. If you can’t afford to support the comic, sharing it where you can is always useful, and voting for it on TopWebcomics also helps!
The Good news:
The funding restructuration mean that I will be spending more time on other things that are due, such as the Definitive edition of the comic, which is meant to have fully colored and retouched early chapters, along with fixes, updates and even new pages for the later chapters. There will be also more work done on long due commissions and bonus artworks. Maybe 2021 will be the year I finally make a HD map of the fairy island~
Also, outside of funding issue the comic is doing pretty great, the community is growing here and on discord, and also Sokaras made this compilation of the most popular pages of 2020:(right click to open in full resolution)
This voting was open to supporters only, but we’re thinking of making it open to everybody in 2021 😉
Outside of fvt itself, I will be taking time to relax and get healthy again, and will start making some art for fun and randomness, without pressure or deadlines. Back to my roots or something. So it’s not like I will cut arting drastically, and I know some of you enjoyed my work outside of fvt a lot, so that’s probably a plus. Fun fact, doing a comic page basically require you to do the equivalent 4-6 artworks at the same time! AND writing! Compared to that, drawing a dark elf in a naughty situation takes *minutes*. If I do a lot of these random pieces maybe I’ll end up creating a special section on the website for it, outside of the fvt domain maybe (I got a whole architecture ready for future projects).
Speaking of future projects, if the funding for fvt gets there, with the additional help I’ll be able to tackle some new projects I had planned for a while, and probably push the fvt updates to 3 days a week, eventually. That would be neat, but that’s for the future. Let’s focus on the present. A new year has started, and I hope it’s a good one for all of us. Thank you for the support, thank you for reading and liking my comic, stay awesome!