Fairies vs Tentacles is ONLINE!

Hello everybody and welcome to the official fairies vs tentacles website!
I bought the host and domain on the 4th in hope I would manage to get it all done in time for FvT’s 5th anniversary, and here we are!
You can consider the website to be in a kind of Beta right now. The entire comic archive has been uploaded, the comment system work, the user subscription work, the RSS sub works, and we have some bells and whistles such as the page dropdown menu, and the ability to navigate the comic with your keyboard, by clicking on the image or by swiping left and right on mobile, but there is MUCH MORE to do.
Here’s a list of some upcoming features and content:
-Character listing for every comic pages
-Links to download packs
-More sections such as the dark forest entries, bonus art and character sheet,etc. The character questions also need to be fully uploaded
-Link/embeds to other important places such as the discord server, the patreon, picarto, etc
-Visual upgrades, such as adding personalized fonts, icons and buttons.
-Mobile-friendly optimization. The website work fine on mobile, and the comic is readable but the interface is hard to use without zooming in.
I don’t have a particular order planned for doing these things, I’m just glad I got it all up and running in a few days if anything, and I’m still very busy doing the comic itself, so don’t expect any of this to be done by next week, or even next year~
What matters is that this comic FINALLY has a place to call home. A place with a comic-friendly interface that anybody can access and read at any time.
Congrajulations on five years on making the comic and on getting the site up and running. Looking forth to more of the comic and the features on the site
nice one! congratulations on the 5th anniversary by the way, only discovered it this year
Thank you, I hope you enjoy the comic 🙂
nice congratulations
Congratulations on 5 years! Congratulations on the new website! I hope this will be permanent. I followed you on tumblr for a long while, then switched to HF when tumblr had it’s big melt down/purge. Never had a chance to say thank you before, so Thank You!
In honor, I started a general fairy discussion thread on /aco/ on 4chan, where I first found out about Fairies vs. Tentacles somewhere back when you first posted about page 10 or 12 or so. Looking forward to at least 5 more years.
Thanks for spreading the word! Yes this place is meant to be what tumblr’s page was, it even have a similar look as I reused some assets 😛
congrats Master artist Eld 🙂 signed up to strengthen your following of the fairy world XD
also, I cant belive I been reading this for five yrs now -.-
Thanks, and yeah, time fly by! I estimated this project to take 10 years to completion, but I now feel it will take a tad longer~
Hey Eldrik, is there a way to spend you a bit Money? i would prepare PayPal
I can’t slap a paypal donate button here because as most know, paypal hate dealing with adult content. Therefore the other options are to join Patreon:
Or to Join the discord server, where you can make a single donation, or a recurring monthly pledge:
Both support paypal. I should probably put links to these on the website soon~