I looked into that a while back, but current dropdown menu doesn’t allow for it. I would have to create a custom one, as this one is automated by the comic posting template. I’m not quite sure how to go about it, but I could probably figure it out. Or just leave the page one alone and create a separate one for the chapters.
Separate one might be safer. Maybe not even dropdown but separate page showing the chapter title images linking to starts of chapters or something similar. Of course, you don’t need to do it if it would take you too long, but I think the longer and more complicated the story is the more people would appreciate it.
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Let me guess: We are not going to orbit in this chapter.
No that’ll be chapter 17
… so not even in NEXT chapter … speaking about chapters, are you planning to make some archive-by-chapter navigation?
I looked into that a while back, but current dropdown menu doesn’t allow for it. I would have to create a custom one, as this one is automated by the comic posting template. I’m not quite sure how to go about it, but I could probably figure it out. Or just leave the page one alone and create a separate one for the chapters.
Separate one might be safer. Maybe not even dropdown but separate page showing the chapter title images linking to starts of chapters or something similar. Of course, you don’t need to do it if it would take you too long, but I think the longer and more complicated the story is the more people would appreciate it.
Knowing this comic, at least one or two people will be blasting into orbit this chapter 😀