Hello everyone, I hope this autumn is treating you well. Not much to say for this month, I’ve been keeping up with my new commission workload while still trying to adjust my overall workflow to allow me some free time for side projects and silly ideas. I’ve fallen a bit behind on the work for the HD map, so I’ll try to put some time aside for that. Let’s get that 10th year of fvt started!
9 years of fairies and tentacles! I couldn’t predict I would make it this far when I started in 2014. And this is all thanks to you, the readers, and the supporters. Thank you. As is now tradition, I made a picture of the most on-screen characters for this year.
This October also mark fvt’s 9th anniversary, and as I’ve been doing the last few years I’ll make a dedicated picture to celebrate the occasion. We also have 5 Mondays this month, so there will be 5 pages. Regarding the commissions, things went well overall, but I might have been a bit too enthusiastic about the amount of work that this represented. Given that I will have extra work to do this month regardless I will reduce the amount of work being done on the commission side, at least for this month. I simply need to find the sweet spot in term of workload, so this may take a few months to adjust properly. This also mean I didn’t find time to work on the island map, but I hope I can get back to it this month.
Hello Gentlefolks, big news today. Some of you may already be aware if you are part of the fvt or gfc discord, but I’ve stopped working on Grim Fate Comic as a full time comic artist. I will continue to do some pictures and bonus content for it, but my workload has been greatly reduced. Mental and physical stress of working on two fullcolor comic project has taken its toll over the years, and it was time that I take it seriously, if I still want to be able to do comics at all in the future. My focus as a comic artist will solely be on Fairies vs Tentacles now, although there’s no plan to increase page output unless I can afford to hire additional help, as stated by the milestone goals.
That being said, regardless of my health situation, bills need to be paid, so I am opening again for commission, with the caveat that I am currently not taking comic commissions. My goal is to clear 5 commission every month, I will do more if I can, but that’s the minimum I set myself for.
If you have extra $$ laying around and want a commission, just contact me here or on the discord server, it’s first come first served. Here is my commission sheet:
Also, in other news, we get 5 pages this month, yaay~ Thank you for reading and supporting the comic, stay awesome!
Hi folks, another month another overview~ July was a good month for fvt, we’ll see if the trend keeps up as we wrap the current chapter and move into more light hearted material. I will try to get some additional work on the fairy island map. I’m just wishy washy about how to draw the various towns. How much details to put in, vs just drawing some landmarks and filler houses. The map isn’t meant be precise to the meter, but I want it to be reliable and visually appealing, but towns are such hubs of complexity, they probably need their separate map. Once I get over this hurdle, the rest of the map will fill in quickly and I’ll move to color. For now, here’s a work in progress. (Open image in separate tab for large version)
Hello everyone, Sokaras here again! Hope the year has been treating you all well. Half a year has passed, so I wanted to show you which pages have been voted best each month so far on the FvT discord.
Seems like this year so far can be summed up as “Star’s fall” 😀
I hope you have been enjoying these pages as much as I have. Wishing you all the best and thank you for reading Fairies vs Tentacles.
Hi everyone, July and its heat are here. I hope summer is treating you well. Things continue as usual here, I didn’t had time to work on the map last month but I’ll try to get a good chunk done this month. I did had time to create additional buffer pages, that’s nice and help with the workflow. Speaking of which, there will be 5 color pages this month thanks to some generous contribution from fans and supporters, enjoy!
Hi everybody, and Happy Pride Month! We’re already halfway through the year, time flies. I finally started the work on the new Fairy Island map. It’ll be bigger, cleaner, with more location and bits of lore. It will take a while to complete but I don’t want this one to be an exclusive artwork, as I think its labor is worth it more if everybody can get access to it like I was doing for the definitive edition pages, which I hope I can get back to after I’ve finished the map. Even once finished, I plan to update the map over time as things happen in the comic and more lore is worked on. It will be updated in a non destructive way, meaning that I will have old versions available in layers on my side.
Outside of that, work continue as usual. I’ve decided that I will keep sketching more pages ahead rather than stop at a specified amount. I know the overall update rate is slow and I, along with all of you, want things to keep moving forward. So be it! If the sketch pages end up 3 chapters ahead that’s how it’ll be. I know the supporters have been biting their lips to not spoil anything for the overall audience, but I believe this is not always gonna be such a “painful” situation during the more casual, silly chapters. I want to keep things exciting, and I know there’s some really good stuff in the future, and I want to get there as quickly as I can, within my time budget, and the scripting and sketch pages allow for this.
Thank you for reading and supporting the comic, as always, stay awesome!
Hello everybody, I hope this monthly update finds you in good spirits. I plan to release updated download packs for the comic and the bonus content in the first week of May. Otherwise things will continue as usual for the comic as I try to find myself in a better place to tackle more difficult tasks such as making a fullcolor map of the fairy island. I got some cool ideas to speed the process up but I’ll need to do some testing and fiddling first. The thing is, I don’t just want to draw a color version of the existing map, I want to make it bigger and more detailed as well, at least double the current size of the sketch version.
Thank you for reading and supporting the comic, as always, stay awesome
Hi everyone, I hope you’re all doing okay in these changing times. The end of March was a bit rough for me, but things should be smoother this month. My only goal is to stay on top of the usual work, I won’t announce any maybe or what ifs project, if I got time for something cool I’ll draw something cool. My new workflow has been pretty good for me, but I admit I took too much extra work these last couple months, and I need to slow down a bit before I hurt myself. Onward always, but moderately~
Thank you all for the continued support, stay awesome!
Donating through the discord server gives you a special role and access to exclusive content and sketch pages weeks ahead of the public updates. You can donate once, or monthly, at your convenience!