Hello Everybody, I am happy to report that the funding is back on track and we’ll have 4 pages this month! Thank you all for those who support the comic, and a warm welcome to the new supporters, this project lives on thanks to you. Nothing else of note for now, work shall continue as usual as I begin sketching chapter 13. I might still take a quick commission or two to help with cash flow, but I will prioritize finishing the comic work first.
Hi everyone, the shortest month is here, and with it come only 3 color comic pages, the smallest amount I ever did outside of vacation/sickness times. It’s okay though, these things happen, the project continue onward. I will either use the extra time for commissions, or to finally go back to working on the definitive edition. Maybe both! I added a funding tracker on the website to give people an idea of what to expect, it’s not live though, but will be updated every Monday when I upload a new page. I’ve been pondering if it should track every pages or just a general monthly goal, like 1200 a month or something. Let me know what you think.
Thank you all for being there, reading and supporting the comic, stay awesome~
Hello everyone, Sokaras here. First month of the new year is already ending – time to see which pages have been voted best each month in 2022 (on FvT discord). Which one is your favorite?
Thank you everyone for enjoying the comic – hope you all looking forward to lots of great lewds this year.
Happy New Year everyone! May this new year be full of surprises and good things~ In 2022 some major changes happened for fvt, as I dropped Patreon entirely, which mean the comic is now solely funded through discord, this hasn’t changed much for the comic, but rapid inflation did. As of this January I updated the page funding goal to reflect that reality, we will still get 4 pages this month, but if that number fluctuate, you’ll know why. This year I plan to update the site with a funding tracker and post monthly updates in this section so that people know what to expect. For example, this month will mark the end of Chapter 11, and we’ll likely spend the rest of the year on Chapter 12, which I promise is an exciting one! (It’s already been mostly sketched and the supporters love it, so I’m not hyping it out of thin air.) I will take the week of January 9th off to Celebrate my lady’s birthday though, so don’t expect an update that week.
Finally, similar to last year, Sokaras has made a visual compilation of everything I’ve drawn for fvt this year, enjoy!
How the time flies! Today Fairies vs Tentacles is 8 years old, and there are still many years to go. Myri and Zak were the most featured characters this year, so I centered the piece around them. They have still many shenanigans to take part in during the coming years. A little addition to the website today is the Frequently Asked Questions. Just a quick guide for newcomers about this ever-expanding project. It is small now but new content will probably be added as time go on.
Thank you all for reading, sharing and supporting the comic!
Hello everyone, Sokaras here! Hope all of you have been well. We reached passed the midpoint of the year, so I wanted to show you which pages have been voted best each month so far on the FvT discord.
I hope you enjoyed these pages so far and are looking forward to many more. Wish you all the best and thank you for following the comic.
Hello everyone, just a small update to let you know the content packs have been updated. The comic pack now contain up to chapter 9 (we are currently in chapter 10) For the bonus pack, the character questions have been updated as far as question #200. New bonus non canon art, design sketches, character sheet etc. have been uploaded to their respective subfolders.
All content will eventually be uploaded to the website itself whenever we have time to do so. If you have any trouble with the pack, let me know. I already tested them with a few folks on discord, everything seems fine but I recall some region having difficulty accessing MEGA.
Thank you for reading and supporting the comic, stay awesome~
Update: Sokaras has finished uploading the new content to the website, enjoy!
Hello everyone, Sokaras here. The new year is starting off, so it is time to see which pages have been voted best each month in 2021 on the FvT discord ( I know it is a bit late, but the votes for December are collected in January 😀 ). Lot of stuff happened in the comic last year. Which page or scene was your favorite?
Thank you everyone for enjoying the comic and we hope you look forward to many more fun pages this year.
The invite to the discord server is the “Join our discord” icon on the right,
if any of you want to cast a vote or chat with the community –>
Hi everybody, I hope you had a nice holiday! 2022 has begun, and with it some general update on the status of moi and the comic.
-The comic is now being published on Furaffinity and pixiv, if those are places of choice for you to follow the comic on, consider following it there, it helps with visibility. Also remember that the main base of operation is Discord, if you wanna join and mingle with the community. This website, while carefully maintained and cared for, is more like a bastion of independence if other platforms were to fail me again as tumblr and patreon did.
– In 2020 I had started to work on a new project, codename JTA, but that’s being scrapped, just not enough time for it. What was done will be archived for a potential future. I never delete my stuff.
-I really, REALLY need to make a proper fairy island map. It’s not hard, I have the tools and the knowhow, I just need to sit down and dooo iiiiit.
-I don’t really have any particular project for this website, outside of keeping the content updated. If anybody has particular suggestions, I’m all ears. I thought of a forum/chat box in the past, but discord fill that niche pretty well, and I don’t have to pay for that bandwidth 😛
Finally, Sokaras put together a montage of all the fvt-related work I have done in 2021, 112 items in total, that’s 1 picture every 3 day! You may recognize some of the content, but other is supporter exclusive. You can access it by donating on discord, or simply wait a while, I make those public later~
That’s all for now, I hope 2022 will treat you fairly, and thank you for reading the comic!
I didn’t have time to do anything really fancy, but still wanted to celebrate in some way and thank you all for reading and supporting the comic. We wouldn’t have made it this far without you!
Donating through the discord server gives you a special role and access to exclusive content and sketch pages weeks ahead of the public updates. You can donate once, or monthly, at your convenience!